Hi, my name is Tammy. I’m a follower of Christ, a Midwesterner, a Gen-X’er, an introvert, a wife, mother (two adults and an adopted teen), step-mother and grandmother, a bit of a foodie, a lover of a good road trip…and I’m very ordinary.

I can’t boast of fame, fortune, standout talents or amazing skills other than being reasonably adept at Excel. (Don’t roll your eyes! It’s a wonderful tool. I use it for everything from cash flows to planning and organizing my thanksgiving dinner. But I digress…) I’m not as creative as I’d like to be – probably good since my background is accounting and finance. The words “creative” and “accounting” used together may result in unpleasant things like failed companies or jail time.

My intent here is not to suggest that we should be lazy or settle for mediocre but that we might be content with the talents and abilities, appearance, and position/station in life that God has placed us in rather than letting frustration or envy drag us down. I want to find satisfaction in just being who God has designed me to be for such a time as this.

History has proven that God can do extraordinary things with ordinary people when he chooses to. Look no further than King David who started out as a lowly shepherd and who made some significant errors in judgment as a king, yet he was known as a man after God’s own heart. Or Peter, the outspoken and impulsive fisherman who denied Christ three times. Or Paul, who persecuted Christians until his wake-up call on the road to Damascus. These people appear to have had some significant weaknesses or character flaws, yet the Lord used them in great ways. He knew their hearts.

This is me sharing my quest to discover joy and contentment in the simple things of life, in the day-to-day, in the “ordinary” as I continue to develop into the person God wants me to be. There may be days on this journey where I stumble onto something awesome. Other days I may just stumble. I’m am still a work in progress. We all are.