Why do we fear being ordinary?

or·​di·​nary: (adjective) of common quality, rank or ability; (synonyms) average, commonplace, unremarkable.

Just a simple knock out rose from a shrub in our flower bed. Ordinary, yet beautiful.

I am ordinary.

Finding contentment in just being ordinary in today’s western culture can be challenging. America is all about being the best and having the most. We fear being ordinary or at least we seem dissatisfied with it. Ever wonder why self improvement, home improvement, and financial improvement are such hot topics? It’s not wrong to want to better ourselves. The problems creep in when we let those desires consume us and dictate how we live our life rather than relying on the One who provides all good gifts. We feel that we lack value as an individual when our lives or our “stuff” doesn’t measure up to expectations. We look at being “ordinary” as not being good enough. Don’t forget, God uses ordinary people – fishermen and shepherds come to mind. Jesus was carpenter before he became the Savior of the world!

I’m grateful that the Lord has been patient with me as he shifts my priorities through life experiences over the years. Younger me put too much emphasis in the things the world wanted me to believe bring happiness. To be fair, some of them did provide at least momentary joy (I’m talking about you, Disney World). But when life doesn’t live up to our expectations it can produce anxiety, sadness, frustration, feelings of failure or even depression. I speak from oh so much experience and I still have much room to grow! (Did I also mention my tendency toward perfectionism?) Check out my related post about being content with less.

“But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.”

1 Timothy 6:6-7

God doesn’t want us grumbling about what we’re not. We may appear ordinary to the world, but to our Lord we are extraordinary. We are of great value to him – so much so that he sent his own son, Jesus, to die for us so that by trusting in him we might live forever in heaven. “Ordinary” will go right out the window at that point!

A couple sunflowers still proudly holding their heads high at the end of the season. They, too, are ordinary and yet they drew a crowd.

I believe our God is good. Do you? I also believe he has a plan for each of us. Nowhere in scripture do I find that plan guaranteeing us worldly fame or prosperity or even perfect health (a topic for another post). What I do find are promises that he will always be with us and that he will provide what is best for us. We may never be super popular, wealthy, beautiful or successful. We may just be ordinary, and that’s okay. May we find peace by resting in the Lord regardless of our status in life.

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have , because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5